Pat, Murray, Mike and Christy discuss their favorite releases and artists from the year 2023!!
Recorded LIVE and In Person
Pat, Murray, Mike and Christy discuss their favorite releases and artists from the year 2023!!
Recorded LIVE and In Person
Pat, Mike, Murray and Christy convene in the "Zoom Room" to discuss their favorite releases and artists from the year 2022!!
Pat, Murray, Mike and Christy discuss their favorite releases and artists from the year 2021!!
Recorded LIVE and In Person
It's a jam packed Zoom Room as Pat and Kyle are joined by Mike, Christy, Murray, Courtney, Christine, Alexi Lalas, David Wild and Carrie Scott to discuss their favorite releases from this past year!
Pat, Mike and Christy are joined by Guest Co-Host Christine Blackburn to discuss their favorite releases from this past year!
The whole gang is joined by Guest Co-Host David Wild to discuss their favorite releases from this past year!
The whole Rock Solid crew, sans April, get together to drink wine and play music that was released this past year! Good riddance 2017 and never show your face around these parts again! If you like people talking over each other for 3 hours then this episode is for you!
The whole Rock Solid crew get together to drink hot beverages, eat mini donuts and play music that was released this past year! Good riddance 2016 and never show your face around these parts again!
The whole Rock Solid team (minus April) checks in with its best and worst albums and songs of the year.
Pat is joined by the entire Rock Solid team (April, Christy, Mike, Murray & Kyle) as they weigh in on what songs, albums and bands were their favorites in 2013!